Showing posts with label inyous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inyous. Show all posts

European Mobility Cafe - May 11th, Iași, Romania

On May 11th, 2019, GEYC organized the 22th edition of the European Mobility Cafe, an info session which this time was organized under the framework of the #thistimeimvoting campaign, Inyous (International Youth Studies) and Youth Workers 2.0 Erasmus+ KA2 projects.

The mobilities of the KA2 project "International Youth Studies" - That's a wrap!

InYouS project, which started in April 2018, aims to ameliorate the recognition of youth work and non-formal education through development of certified “International youth studies” curricula (and organizing a distance-learning course for youth workers) and open educational materials for European Higher Education Institutions. 

"HTML 4 Youth Workers" TC, Tbilisi, Georgia // InYouS

The second stage of the Capacity building project "International Youth Studies: Curricula, Distance learning course and open educational materials" (InYouS) has taken place in Tbilisi, Georgia, between 22nd-29th of July 2018. 

#GEYC8- Meet the team, Alexandra-Florentina Peca, Mobility Center Responsible

#GEYC8 - Meet the team” este oportunitatea perfectă atât pentru membrii Comunității GEYC, cât și pentru partenerii noștri, să cunoască mai multe detalii despre #GEYCuleții care fac parte din echipa internă. Inițiativa nu vine întâmplător în această perioadă, în 2018 fiind aniversarea de 8 ani a GEYC.

We are present at the conference “Non-formal youth work and formal youth studies”, Yerevan, Armenia

Starting from 20th of April, 4 youth workers representing GEYC are in Yerevan, Armenia, participating in the “Non-formal youth work and formal youth studies” conference, organized by the Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia. For 4 days, young people and youth workers from 13 countries have gathered to discuss about the topics of youth work and youth studies in each of their country, in order to set the ground for the development of an international Youth Studies curricula.

We are starting the Eastern Partnership Capacity building project (KA2) - International Youth Studies: Curricula, Distance learning course and open educational materials (InYouS)

InYouS project is developed by Federation of Youth Clubs (Armenia) and its partners from Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Turkey, Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and  Romania. The project will ameliorate the recognition of youth work and non-formal education through development of certified “International youth studies” curricula (and organizing a distance-learning course for youth workers) and open educational materials for European Higher Education Institutions.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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