GEYC, member of the public workspace European Network of Women in Digital (EWiD), part of EuroGender collaborative platform of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
(2021-2022) Diana IONIȚĂ, Head of Digital, member of the Advisory Board on Digital Transformation for the European youth field, SALTO Participation & Information Resource Centre
Aim: empowering youth from Romanian highschools (14-18 y/o) to develop their digital competences in order to become active citizens in their communities through a series of 5 workshops
Funded by: European Solidarity Corps - Volunteering (ESC51)
Aim: to engage, connect and empower youth workers from EU peripheral areas, equipping them with co-designed, practical learning resources and updated skills. They will then be able to train and empower young people (18-29) from those territories, to engage with the New European Bauhaus initiative, creating living space prototypes that benefit rural and peripheral communities' development. The initiative aims thus to foster positive change in peripheral areas enhancing youth agency.
Aim: to provide NGO managers and youth workers from Euromed region with a hands-on experience on Project Management, offer a theoretical framework to raise the quality of their work and positively transform their NGOs through coaching, encourage networking, collaboration across borders and exchange of good practices.
Aim: aims at empowering disadvantaged youth to use podcasts as a tool in their local contexts in order to increase their civic engagement and their participation in the democratic life.
Funded by: Erasmus+, Virtual Exchanges in Higher Education and Youth
Aim: aims at building the cаpаcity for youth orgаnisаtions, by trаining the youth workers in becoming no-hаte аmbаssаdors within their communities, stimulаting the criticаl thinking of their mаin tаrget group (youth 18-25 y/o) with tools for digitаl prevention, аnd counter-nаrrаtion.
Funded by: Erasmus+, Capacity building in the field of youth
Aim: creating an оppоrtunity and space fоr cоllabоratiоn between different оrganisatiоns, with the aim оf stimulating the creativity, the cultural awareness, and expressiоn оf yоung peоple, tоgether with equipping yоung artists with digital and managerial skills..
Funded by: Erasmus+, KA2, Partnerships for Creativity
Aim: to boost the realisation of the European Youth Goal #10 "Green and Sustainable Europe" via the startup of a transnational network of youth organisations active in EU rural areas and able to Engage, Connect and Empower vulnerable young people (18-30 yo) towards the co-creation of European Smart Villages.
Aim: Our aim is to raise awareness on the importance of active citizenship through social entrepreneurship, specifically focused on the creative industries. This will impact on the motivation of young people to be engaged in future careers related to creative businesses.
Funded by: Erasmus+, KA227 Partnerships for Creativity (Youth)
Aim: to promote gender equality, in the sense of raising awareness on the topic of Women and gender stereotypes in a cross-cultural and cross-sectorial way, by connecting it to other key issues (SDGs and ICD, entrepreneurship, media and advertising, youth and digital) and empowering people towards a meaningful civic, economic, social, and cultural participation
Aim: ensuring that all adolescents and young people in Europe and Central Asia (including the most vulnerable) have a chance to be connected, activated/engaged and empowered.
Aim: to raise the standards of journalism and blogging, making them more gender sensitive and also to strengthen the human capacity of the NGO’s and their partnership with media in the partner countries.
Aim: to provide guidance and training for youth workers across Europe on how to use ICT tools and digital methods to better deliver basic skills youth education (digital youth work).
Aim: to empower young people aged 12-15 years old through digital citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy skills, so that they can become tomorrow’s digital leaders
Aim: to encourage youth organizations working in the field of peace building and Human Rights to transform their activity digitally and to use different forms of online activism in order to increase social impact from their actions
Aim: to explore how young people and youth work can benefit from creation of genuine youth documentaries on what kind of (multicultural) societies we want to live in.
Aim: to empower youth workers, youth leaders and project managers from 22 youth organisations from 12 countries to raise their project management efficiency through social media tools and networking.
Aim: to develop youth new media skills through 8-12 weeks interactive eLearning programme based on "Learning by doing", "Intercultural learning" and "Gamification" methodologies.