Aim: to stimulate the creative spirit and entrepreneurship of young people in order to make them actors of the New European Bauhaus, which aims to be the practical conversion of the Green Deal, making cities and rural peripheries places to live and enjoy also from a cultural and social point of view.
Funded by: Erasmus+ KA220 Partnerships for Cooperation
Aim: promoting the social inclusion of young people in situations of social exclusion due to risky behaviour, through an innovative programme on financial literacy.
Funded by: Erasmus+ KA2 Partnerships for Cooperation - Small-Scale Partnerships
Aim: SENSE. seeks to increase the public’s interest in science by merging the arts and aesthetics into STEM education, reshaping how STEM subjects are taught in Europe.
Aims: the first aim is to support the target group of young migrants and refugees new to the European Union to better integrate into the labour market by developing an AI assessment and coaching tool. This will be accomplished by way of a three-pronged approach: (1) AI skills assessment, (2) customised course plan, and (3) practical guidance and support for offering workshops. The second aim is to leverage the state-of-the-art AI skills assessment tool to be a scalable, extensible, and reusable framework for other educational programs. The modular architecture of the framework, together with the underlying expert data decision models, will assist in providing smart assessment and personalised coaching, saving valuable time and resources..
Funded by: Erasmus+, KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth
Aim: The main objective of the proiject is to promote civic engagement among youth and creating a mindset that a career path in the NGO sector is an option while providing capacity building opportunities of the NGO staff/youth workers to equip them in their efforts of helping youth gain soft skills, improve their employability and gain practical knowledge.
Funded by: Erasmus+, KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth
Aim: The main objective of the project is to valorize local agricultural traditions and rural heritage through the creation of a new professional profile for young workers: "Advisor for the promotion of cultural heritage in rural areas", able to use digital tools to raise awareness about rural heritage, especially among young people and parties actively involved in the project's thematic.
Funded by: Erasmus+, KA227 Partnerships for Creativity (Youth)
Aim: Our aim is to raise awareness on the importance of active citizenship through social entrepreneurship, specifically focused on the creative industries. This will impact on the motivation of young people to be engaged in future careers related to creative businesses.
Funded by: Erasmus+, KA227 Partnerships for Creativity (Youth)
Aim: The project seeks to assess the impact & influence of EU youth (young people and youth work organizations) in the community building process, the attainment of SDGs and overall the creation of sustainable communities through youth participation & entrepreneurship.
Funded by: Erasmus+, KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth
Aim: to increase the sustainability and organisational resilience of Black Sea civil society organizations in difficult times by enhancing the PM skills of their staff.
Funded by: Romanian NGDO Platform – FOND, Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (BST)
Aim: to promote social inclusion and diversity in multicultural classrooms with an increased number of children from refugee/migrant/ minority background through the use of creative methods and more specifically, storytelling methods.
Aim: to open the mind of young people in the field of employment, European mobility, the global market, the opportunities that Europe provides us, youth entrepreneurship and especially to fight against youth unemployment.
Aim: to ameliorate the recognition of youth work and non-formal education through development of certified “International youth studies” curricula (and organizing a distance-learning course for youth workers) and open educational materials for European Higher Ed. Institutions.
Aim: to transfer to youth workers innovative training methodologies to improve guidance and counselling, vocational and professional training in EU and Latin America for young women returning to work after a hiatus in their careers, as a result of maternity, illness, unemployment (NEET), or who are in a situation of self-employment.
Aim: to offer non-formal education on cultural tourism entrepreneurship and raise awareness about cultural tourism opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment.
Aim: to support the European path of the Republic of Moldova by supporting key stakeholders and developing soft, hard and transverse skills for young people, NGOs and public authorities.