Showing posts with label eqyp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eqyp. Show all posts

Disseminating ESOQ in Barcelona

This week, 19-22 September, Mrs. General Secretary of PRISMA European Network, Cristina Bălăceanu, is participating at contact-making seminar "Real deeds in problematic fields” in Barcelona.

EQYP Seminar in Yerevan

After 5 intensive days, full of energy and impact, GEYC team have came back home from Yerevan, Armenia with promising results and future objectives.

From 13th to 18th of September 2016, GEYC and "Education without Boundaries" (both members of PRISMA European Network) have organized "EQYP - European Quality in Youth Projects" Seminar in Yerevan, Armenia. The activity was the second mobility of the EQYP project coordinated by GEYC with the financial support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ programme. 

European Fair held in Armenian State Pedagogical University

Thursday, 15 September 2016, GEYC, along other partners of PRISMA European Network and not only, have organised in the frame of EQYP [European Quality in Youth Projects], the European NGOs Fair at Armenian State Pedagogical University.

On focus: youth projects quality [EQYP Seminar in Yerevan]

From 13th to 18th of September 2016, GEYC and "Education without Boundaries" will organize "EQYP - European Quality in Youth Projects" Seminar in Yerevan, Armenia. The activity is the second mobility of the EQYP project coordinated by GEYC with the financial support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ programme.

EQYP Output: how to find commercial partners?

Sometimes is a burden to find the right commercial partner for your project. Let's see how you can find them...

EQYP Survey on Quality (ESOQ) - Have your say by 10th of September 2016

EQYP Survey on Quality (ESOQ) is a study made in the frame of EQYP - European Quality in Youth projects aiming to illustrate different views related to the quality of youth projects. Deadline to contribute: 10th of September 2016. The results will be made available online by the end of September 2016.

Project Steps Guidelines

Are you wondering what is the secret to project success? Include these baby steps in your strategy towards a high-quality youth project. 

Vizita oficială în Republica Moldova a domnului Gabriel Brezoiu, Manager general GEYC

În perioada 23-27 iunie 2016, se desfășoară vizita oficială în Republica Moldova a domnului Gabriel Brezoiu, manager general al GEYC și al Rețelei Europene PRISMA în vederea consolidării sprijinului acordat tinerilor din Moldova. 

Înscrie-te la workshop-ul European Mobility, ed. a 14-a, București, 5 iulie 2016

Pe 5 iulie 2016, GEYC te provoacă să iei parte la cea de-a 14-a ediție a evenimentului European Mobility. Activitatea îți va prezenta cum poți lua parte la oportunitățile aduse de programul Erasmus+, să călătorești, să înveți și să te descoperi în cadrul Uniunii Europene, în special Serviciul European de Voluntariat (SEV). Activitatea reprezintă o diseminare de rezultate a proiectului Erasmus+ EQYP.  Participarea este gratuită. Locuri limitate. Înscrieri până pe 1 iulie 2016.

EQYP - Story of Day 4

The day started with a session to clarify the concepts of visibility, dissemination and exploitation of results (DEoR). We learned about the importance of these key elements and we realized that making a project is not only the main activity, but a combination of a lot of parameters. 

EQYP - Story of Day 3

On 9th of May we celebrated Europe’s Day and we had the opportunity to celebrate this important day in Bucharest, Romania. The entire day the participants of the EQYP were involved in many various activities.

EQYP - Story of Day 2

EQYP is not only about quality in Youth Projects, it’s also about:
E - energetic people
Q - quantifiable fantastic atmosphere
Y - yin yang collaborative relations
P - positive emotions

EQYP - Story of Day 1

The first day of the EQYP project was full of activities which gave us the chance to meet the other participants, discover their characters and open the door to the EQYP project and the Erasmus+ Programme.

EQYP: Project description

"European Quality in Youth Projects (EQYP)" is a mobility of youth workers under Erasmus+ (Eastern Partnership), KA1, Youth aimed to train youth workers in the quality management field and to develop a quality standard for youth projects (called "EQYP"). The project will include a training course aimed to tackle the main fields of focus regarding youth project quality and a seminar during which a European Quality Standard will be created. The project is implemented by 11 organisations leaded by GEYC and is co-financed by the European Commission through Erasmus+ programme.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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