European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) is a complex programme of youth leadership initiated by GEYC in 2017, under the aegis of PRISMA European Network. The second edition has taken place in the frame of the #PlayEurope project and has had the duration of 9 months (October 2018 - July 2019).
Showing posts with label playeurope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label playeurope. Show all posts
European Fellowship on Youth Leadership: United We Stand for European Values
În data de 23 iulie în cadrul proiectului de solidaritate (Corpul European de Solidaritate) “United We Stand for European Values” 20 de participanți, cu vârste între 16 și 25 au luat parte la o simulare de proces decizional, organizat de către Dănilă Dragoș, din postura de facilitator, și Buliga „Andu” Alexandru, având rolul de moderator, pentru etapa de #getInvolved din cadru European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL).
#PlayEurope, 2 digital resources to become Social entrepreneurs 8 European Countries together to fight youth unemployment
EN: The Erasmus+ project #PlayEurope - EduGames for Active Citizenship is coming to an end with several successful outcomes achieved during its development and implementation: a Manual of Success Stories on Social Entrepreneurship, a Step‐by‐Step Guide "Become Social Entrepreneur in 7 days" and 10 workshops carried out in all partners’ Countries to test the efficiency and the user experience of the above mentioned resources.
RO: Proiectul Erasmus+ #PlayEurope - Jocurile Educative pentru Cetățenie Activă se aproprie de sfârșit cu rezultate de succes, realizate în timpul dezvoltării și implementării sale: Manualul Poveștilor de Succes în Antreprenoriat Social, un Ghid Pas-cu-Pas Devino Antreprenor Social în 7 zile și 10 ateliere desfășurate în toate țările partenerilor pentru a testa eficiența și experiența utilizatorilor asupra resurselor menționate.
Bootcamp EFYL - European Fellowship on Youth Leadership - Second Edition
European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) is a complex programme of youth leadership initiated by GEYC in 2017, under the aegis of PRISMA European Network. The second edition is taking place in the frame of the #PlayEurope project and will have the duration of 9 months (October 2018 - July 2019).
#PlayEurope lucrează la Ghidul Antreprenorului Social
În ultimele decenii, Europa a fost marcată de o reducere a participării la viața socială, cu precădere în rândul tinerilor. O participare scăzută și lipsa activismului social vor duce la plafonarea unei întregi generații care nu va fi capabilă să-și cunoască drepturile și să ceară ca acestea să le fie respectate.
antreprenoriat social,
The Manual of Success Stories on Social Entrepreneurship
In our PlayEurope KA2 partnership, we developed, together with our partners, The Manual of Success Stories on Social Entrepreneurship. It contains real stories from individuals who have already run social enterprises, motivating and inspiring young people to set their own social business.
How to create real impact in entrepreneurship through Erasmus+ projects
Have you ever wondered what is the common element between entrepreneurship and Erasmus+ projects?
In February 2018, our colleague Mădălina participated as a representative of GEYC association at the international seminar “Cross-over - Quality in KA2 projects” in Lithuania. The seminar aimed to improve the understanding of strategic partnerships projects among NGOs and to provide a space for further development of project ideas with potential partners and feedback from National Agencies’ representatives.
“#PlayEurope ‐ EduGames for Active Citizenship” – Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth (KA2)
“#PlayEurope ‐ EduGames for Active Citizenship” is a Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth, supported by Erasmus+ Programme. The project consortium is led by Viteco – Italy, and the other partners organisations are:
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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023. |