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How young people from Găiești view their city more sustainable following the NEB principles
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Youth Ecopreneurs Camp: Cum am explorat antreprenoriatul verde alături de participanți din șase țări
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Advancing SDG 8 in Romania: Fostering Decent Work and Economic Growth for Youth through Collaborative Partnerships
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The beginning of the SPARK Project: Empowering Youth, Advancing Rural Knowledge
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Apel pentru aplicații- Prezintă modelul tău de regenerare urbană sau rurală NEBULA
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Building Tomorrow - EU Programs for Empowering Startup Ventures | EFIVOS Articles
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GEYC14: Changemaker Starter Kit
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UpRural Toolkit for youth workers and EU youth on rural development through social innovation and entrepreneurship
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Lansăm a 3-a ediție EFYL- European Fellowship on Youth Leadership
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Time to kickoff with a new Cooperation Partnership (Erasmus+): “New European Bauhaus in Urban and ruraL Areas” (NEBULA)
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#SMARTERAcademy, ediția a VI-a: Raport de eveniment
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Publication | My CREAction4EU Guide
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Apel participanți: Deschidem o nouă ediție SMARTER Academy! Hai alături de noi pentru a schimba comunități prin antreprenoriat social.
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Call for participants | International conference on creative entrepreneurship & youth work - CREAction4EU
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The road to a creative business - CREAction4EU blended mobility
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Wrapping up #PROruralheritage
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RURAL HERITAGE WEEK, 19-25 OCTOBER 2022 in the frame of the KA2 Erasmus+ project PRHBYW
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RURAL HERITAGE WEEK, 19-25 OCTOBER 2022 in the frame of the KA2 Erasmus+ project PRHBYW
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Call for participants | [RO-577] CREAction4EU, 05.10.2022-11.10.2022, Bucharest, Romania
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Empactpreneuriat Final conference conclusions
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