GEYC (Romania) & AVER (Tunisia) take part together in Anna Lindh Foundation's Euromed Exchange Programme

EN: GEYC (Romania) & AVER (Tunisia) decided to join the Euromed Exchange Programme organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation and thus to exchange experiences in the youth and cultural fields as well as to reinforce the cooperation regarding future projects.

FR: GEYC (Roumanie) et AVER (Tunisie) ont décidé de se joindre au programme d'échange Euromed organisé par la Fondation Anna Lindh et ainsi d'échanger des expériences dans les domaines de la jeunesse et de la culture, ainsi que de renforcer la coopération en ce qui concerne les projets futurs.

RO: GEYC (România) și AVER (Tunisia) au decis să se alăture programului de schimb Euromed organizat de Fundația Anna Lindh și astfel să facă schimb de experiență în domeniul tineretului și al culturii, precum și să consolideze cooperarea în ceea ce privește viitoarele proiecte.

With the support of:

The exchange will include two mobilities:
  • one Romanian ICD (intercultural dialogue) actor on behalf of GEYC will be hosted by AVER in Medenine, Tunisia in September 2017;
  • one Tunisian ICD (intercultural dialogue) actor on behalf of AVER will be hosted by GEYC in Bucharest, Romania in October-November 2017;
Tunisian flag - Photo credits: Wikipedia

Our colleague, Gabriel Brezoiu will be hosted by AVER in Medenine, Tunisia. The objectives of his exchange will be the following:
  1. Leading non-formal education workshops for local young people, activists, youth workers and young professionals in Tunisia on the following topics:
    a. Project Management for beginners and for advanced practitioners (needs assessment, project design, project writing, project implementation, project evaluation, tools);
    b. Digital Marketing and eSkills for Volunteers;
    c. Gender equality;
  2. Short-video documentary about youth radicalization (interviews with various specialists) including a public launch of the video. This media output answers to the need of public awareness at European level regarding the situation in the Muslim world, particularly in Tunisia as well as to the fact that a large number of young people from the south of Tunisia are unemployed and they are joining extremist organisations;
  3. Research: “How young people are participating in Tunisia?” including a research report that will be made available online. This research answers to the fact that in the last local elections in Medenine, the turnout of youth participation was around 6% only (2015);
More social media updates will be available on #xplorTN hashtag.

Photo credits: Youtube

Our colleague, Lamia Ajala from AVER will be hosted by GEYC in Romania. The objectives of her exchange will be the following:

  1. Promoting Tunisian & Arabic culture through Arabic language workshops, video-projections, cooking workshops and by organizing a cultural night;
  2. Social economy study visits in order to compare the social and solidarity economy in Romania and Tunisia including visits to social economy startups, special schools; 

About the programme
The Anna Lindh Foundation is an international organisation which promotes intercultural exchanges and common projects among the civil societies of the Euro-Mediterranean region. 
The EuroMed Exchange Programme is giving young talents and key actors, such as members of civil society organisations, exchange/traineeship opportunities across 42 Euro-Mediterranean countries, aiming to support knowledge exchange, strengthen dialogue and intercultural cooperation that are crucial for the stable and sustainable development in the Region. 

The programme is designed to support synergies, cross-disciplinary activities and innovative project ideas related to intercultural dialogue (ICD), involving young actors from both shores of the Mediterranean, giving them the spaces to gain new perspectives on how to drive positive change.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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