Showing posts with label eskills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eskills. Show all posts

10 July 2018

Young People are Creating Their Future- Youth Exchange in Corsica

Between 23rd of June and 2nd of July five of our inspiring Geyculeți: Alin, Ilinca, Mădălina, Robert and Georgiana started their journey towards Corsica at an Youth Exchange on digital marketing and advertising, with a special focus on ethics in the digital world and NGO strategies in this regard.

27 June 2018

Connecting the dots: Young People, Social Inclusion and Digitalisation

This week, our colleague Gabriel Brezoiu - General Manager of GEYC takes part to the "Connecting the dots: Young People, Social Inclusion and Digitalisation" Symposium in Tallinn, Estonia focusing on exploring the crossing between social inclusion of young people and digitalisation, reflecting especially on how digitalisation affects young people’s lives, and what the role of youth policy, youth work and youth research can be in this respect.

13 October 2017

HTML Basics & Social Media - a great chance to get familiar with coding

On 12th October we have organized "HTML Basics & Social Media" workshop for the young people in Bucharest that were interested to get a first contact with HTML coding and website development.

09 October 2017

Develop your digital skills on our new e-learning platform!

We are extremely happy to announce the launch of the e-learning courses developed in the framework of eSkills for Volunteers project. These e-learning courses will empower youth workers and volunteers to fully exploit all the potentials of digital education and digital skills and give the possibility to NGOs to count on volunteers/young ICT experts. Check it now!

27 September 2017

Apel deschis: HTML Basics & Social Media | Workshop [GRATUIT]

Învață elementele de bază în HTML și află cum poți „programa” cu ușurință propriul site web. Pe parcursul workshopului fiecare participant va lucra la propriul laptop în timp real. Evenimentul se desfășoara la București, la Spațiul Public European pe 12 octombrie 2017 și face parte din EU Code Week. Evenimentul este organizat de către GEYC cu sprijinul Asociației Techsoup prin programul ”Meet and code”. Termen limită pentru înscrieri: 5 octombrie 2017.

12 July 2017

"Young people on Social Media" - presentation at Anne Frank House

It's a well known fact that nowadays youngsters are spending a lot of their spare time on Social Media platforms. While they enjoy their time on Snapchat, Facebook, Whatsapp and others, both psychologist and parents tend to worry about their mental health and their safety.

26 June 2017

Top 5 Google products for NGOs

During the KA2 "eSkills for Volunteers" training course, our colleagues took part in the creation of a ranking of the top 5 most useful Google products. 

Top five Google products for NGOs


02 June 2017

Official visit in Italy of Mr Gabriel Brezoiu, GM of GEYC

On 25-26 May 2017, Mr Gabriel Brezoiu, General Manager of GEYC had an official visit in Italy in the regions of Puglia and Calabria aiming to reinforce the cooperation with local partners and to work on future initiatives.

25 March 2017

#învizită: "The Silicon Valley of Transylvania", Cluj-Napoca, 20-22 martie 2017

GEYC Community organised a visit in Cluj-Napoca called "The Silicon Valley of Transylvania". This is the first domestic visit outside Bucharest as part of #invizita programme, 25 people took part together with two group leaders: Gaby & Brigitte. This visit was part of "eSkills for Volunteering" project and allowed the participants to have direct interaction with the representatives of Tetarom technological and industrial park and Impact Hub Cluj-Napoca and thus to get a better understanding on the eskills needed for having a digital start-up. Moreover, the participants surveyed the inhabitants of Cluj-Napoca in order to discover their level of understanding on digital entrepreneurship.

Comunitatea GEYC a organizat o vizită de studiu în Cluj-Napoca numită "The Silicon Valley of Transylvania". Aceasta este prima deplasare internă în afara Bucureștiului din cadrul programului #invizita, 25 tineri luând parte la mobilitate însoțiți de doi lideri de grup: Gaby & Brigitte. Vizita a fost organizată în cadrul proiectului "eSkills for Volunteering" și a permis participanților să interacționeze direct cu reprezentanții parcului industrial Tetarom, ai Impact Hub Cluj-Napoca și având astfel ocazia de a înțelege mai bine ce competențe digitale sunt necesare pentru a avea o afacere digitală. Totodată, aceștia au efectuat un sondaj printre locuitorii din Cluj-Napoca pentru a descoperi gradul de înțelegere al acestora asupra antreprenoriatului digital.

17 March 2017

#invizita: Have you ever wanted to visit Dublin? Better change your mind. 5 reasons to 'avoid' Dublin

Have you ever planned visiting Ireland's capital to discover Saint Patrick's land? Better find another option. I mean, who will be delighted to see one of the most important IT hubs of Europe and the home of Guinness beer? Dublin is pretty basic and not that into excessively decoration which is giving to the city a minimalist and classic style, but who cares about this in our times? Let us present you 5 reasons to 'avoid' Dublin.

16 November 2016

KA2 Project “eSkills for Volunteers” officially starts

On November 14th 2016, the kick-off meeting for the KA2 Project “eSkills for Volunteers” took place in Malaga (Spain). The partner’s project are Asociación Projuven (the coordinator) from Spain, Futuro Digitale from Italy, GEYC from Romania and Mobility Friends from Portugal.

01 November 2016

“eSkills for Volunteers” - Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth (KA2)

eSkills for Volunteers” is a Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth, supported by Erasmus plus Programme. The project consortium is led by Asociación Projuven and the other partners organisations are: Associazione di Promozione Sociale Futuro Digitale – Italy, Associação Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade – Portugal and Asociatia GEYC – Romania.

24 April 2016

Vino de Ziua Europei la seminarul "#GoDigital"

9 Mai, Ziua Europei, va fi marcată de către GEYC și PRISMA European Network în colaborare cu Reprezentanța Comisiei Europene din România prin seminarul "#GoDigital" dedicat Agendei Digitale și a modului în care competențele din acest sector pot fi dobândite.